No matter that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a privileged few in a time of rampant starvation and the suppression of Native Americans—Hale wanted her Thanksgiving.
Inspiration for Open Space came from a small village in West Africa called Balmah where I was privileged to be a guest of the Chief for a period of time.
Over the course of my education and research career to date, I have been privileged to spend so much of my time in the company of great people.
Okay, granted some of the poor were probably not as poor as they made out to be, but at the same time, coming from the privileged West, we are still hugely wealthier.
People are privileged to follow their hearts in life, to spend their time crafting an identity instead of simply surviving.
We are among the most privileged fans of all time to have such a dedicated, hard working, super-humanly talented player.
Because the time to compile privileged class, and poor for two points, if I did not compiled into how to do?
During these last few months, I have been humbled and privileged to see the true character of this country in a time of testing.
We are privileged to be involved in those moments, even if it doesn't feel it at the time.
And I felt so privileged to have just spent time with you, and here you are in the middle of an exhibition like a rock star!
If it doesn't take up most of your time, then you are obviously one of the privileged, the naturally smart.
If it doesn't take up most of your time, then you are obviously one of the privileged, the naturally smart.