Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year's world championships.
If you get good grades at school, you can get some money as prize.
An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.
The prize money saved her from having to find a job.
Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?
Each winner receives $500, 000 in prize money.
When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money.
A large number of people watch their competitions online, and successful gamers can get more than 1,000,000 dollars from prize money and ads.
But Ebadi and her colleagues say such prize money is not taxed under Iranian law.
To everybody’s amazement I won this competitionand with the prize money I was able to set up my own office in London.
She has been as high as 3 in April 2009 and has earned a fraction more than Sharapova with US$13,729,105 in prize money.
He used his half of the prize money (he Shared the prize with British scientist Richard Roberts, who used his winnings to install a croquet lawn in his front yard) to buy an old Federalist house.
The prize money will be divided up between the two winners.
Then on the first set, she was asked after what inspired her, and she said the prize money, so she said it, got her priorities straight.
The winner's prize money of 2008 pounds (upped to 2009 pounds next year) is suspended in a glass ball in the agency's reception area until it's claimed.
There is no prize money on offer: athletes compete only for the glory of gold, silver and bronze.
NA li: Everything is his. So like prize money, always his. He can do whatever he want.
Five years ago NASA, America's space agency, offered prize money to any team that could build a remotely powered robot able to climb quickly up a cable.
Top gamers can earn tens of thousands of pounds a year in prize money and sponsorship but academics have warned the cost to their health could be devastating.
For example the leading women win a bigger proportion of their prize money because unlike the men they play the doubles as well.
This Maria may very well be the best looking of the bunch but a highest ranking of 18 in July 2008, 5 WTA titles and US$2,707,539 in career prize money only has her in the 5th spot.
这个玛利亚可能是所有球员中最美丽的在2008年七月成为了世界18号种子选手。 获得了5次WTA冠军并获得了270.7539万美元的职业奖金,这仅仅能让她排名第五。
NASA, Deloitte, and Ford have all partnered with Kaggle to create data competitions, where prize money is awarded to the winning model.
She earned $1 million from prize money, with the rest derived from endorsements and appearance fees.
They are the all-time leaders in career prize money, with Serena at $32.7 million and Venus having made $27.3.
Mazembe’s triumph, relayed live across the continent, earned the club $1.5m in prize money.
Mazembe 得胜班朝,其盛况在整个非洲大陆转播,为俱乐部赚得了150万美元的奖金。
More than 10, 000 camels from across the Gulf will be competing for millions of dollars in prize money at a beauty pageant for the "ship of the desert" in Abu Dhabi this week.
(阿联酋首都)阿布扎比将于本周为具有“沙漠之舟”之称的骆驼举行选美大赛。 届时,来自海湾各国的一万多头骆驼将参加选美,大赛的奖金总额达数百万美元。
More than 10, 000 camels from across the Gulf will be competing for millions of dollars in prize money at a beauty pageant for the "ship of the desert" in Abu Dhabi this week.
(阿联酋首都)阿布扎比将于本周为具有“沙漠之舟”之称的骆驼举行选美大赛。 届时,来自海湾各国的一万多头骆驼将参加选美,大赛的奖金总额达数百万美元。