On the academic side, the panel will include Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell, sometimes called "father of the euro" for his influential work on optimal exchange rate areas.
参加小组讨论的学术界人士包括诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔(Robert Mundell),他由于其在最理想汇率领域有影响力的研究工作,有时被称做“欧元之父”。
On the academic side, the panel will include Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell, sometimes called "father of the euro" for his influential work on optimal exchange rate areas.
参加小组讨论的学术界人士包括诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔(Robert Mundell),他由于其在最理想汇率领域有影响力的研究工作,有时被称做“欧元之父”。