If procedural programming is top-down, event programming is bottom-up.
Misunderstanding: To adopt XQuery, you must abandon procedural programming for object programming.
Procedural programming certainly has its place, and it can be a highly effective way to solve a problem.
Object people have often claimed the superiority of the object approach over the procedural programming.
SAX treats an XML document as a series of parsing events, and basically allows a procedural programming style.
If you built the table with a procedural programming language, you might do something similar to Listing 8.
Closures can be a useful tool not only for procedural programming but also for object-oriented programming.
In this section, let us first understand where functional programming differs from procedural programming.
Students will study algorithms and top-down design, and will implement algorithms in a procedural programming language.
Furthermore, you also have the choice of using procedural programming or object oriented programming, or a mixture of them.
This supports the general trend toward data selection over procedural programming to lower overall IT development and maintenance costs.
As a result, developers often find their code departing from the object-oriented model and diving instead into a procedural programming style.
Procedural programming is often the most natural style of programming for a beginning developer, and it is also highly effective for many problems.
Typical finite element programs, which were designed basing on the idea of procedural programming, consist of thousands of lines of procedural codes.
After procedural programming came the era of client-server computing, where there was a notable distinction between data and the client and business logic.
This is the main thing that people with procedural programming experience have a problem with when starting out with an asynchronous framework like Node.js.
这是当开始使用像Node . js这样的异步框架时,拥有过程编程经验的人会遇到的主要问题。
In procedural programming it's pretty obvious how it looks like after compilation because there is acually a real support for functions in the machine language.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the RUP for System z lifecycle is applicable outside of the scope of System z, to any development using procedural programming languages.
最后,值得提到的是,RUPforSystemz生命周期可适用于 System z范围的外部,适用于任何使用程序化编程语言的开发。
To benefit from the discussion, you should be familiar with at least one procedural programming language and the basic concepts of computer programming, including command-line processing.
But after you play with it for a little while, you are likely to find that multiple dispatch generalizes and enhances the benefits that OOP has over procedural programming in the first place.
The functional programming approach is easy to understand, but can be difficult to apply if you are used to the more procedural and state-focused imperative languages.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
The prevailing paradigm for programming was functional decomposition with procedural languages.
One alternate to object-oriented programming is functional programming, and Python offers resources to program in a functional style, as well as object oriented and procedural.
Other programming languages that provide a mix of declarative and procedural constructs include Lisp and Python.
It offers a flexible combination of both procedural and functional programming and introduces a nondeterministic method for the automatic rewriting of formulae.
This is the operating semantic that all remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism implement since this is the standard function-call semantic in procedural and object-oriented programming languages.
In the early days of PHP programming, PHP code was limited to being procedural in nature.
Identifying the appropriate time and place for using an object oriented-programming approach versus a procedural approach can make an enormous difference in the success of your game.
Identifying the appropriate time and place for using an object oriented-programming approach versus a procedural approach can make an enormous difference in the success of your game.