A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
Procedure quality, the smallest unit of forming project quality, is the basic tache to form project quality and the key point to spot quality control.
According to the production procedure of the unit aircrew, the control system has been designed.
It is a systemic control process of the enterprise construction item's quality management control from working procedure quality to subentry, branch and unit engineering quality.
The improvement of the control unit can be done by clarifying the legal status, working out legislation procedure, standardizing the control system and control results, etc.
The procedure storage unit is a storage unit comprising a processing control procedure and a communication procedure which is used for interchanging data with the host computer.
A network services request unit that is sent by a system services control point (SSCP) to a logical unit (LU) to inform the LU of the status of a procedure requested by the LU.
The paper introduces the procedure of development of the DVT prevention apparatus taken the AT89C51 as the main control unit.
When update of all the door control unit procedure were completed, we opened all doors in the testing shop (now the trainset is with power) and it took about 40 minutes.
将所有门控器的程序更新完毕后。我们在车库中 将所有的门打开(此时 车辆处于通电状态)。所有的门打开的时间持续大约40分钟。
When update of all the door control unit procedure were completed, we opened all doors in the testing shop (now the trainset is with power) and it took about 40 minutes.
将所有门控器的程序更新完毕后。我们在车库中 将所有的门打开(此时 车辆处于通电状态)。所有的门打开的时间持续大约40分钟。