The epoxidized natural rubber was tested by temperature sweep, frequency sweep and strain sweep by using rubber process analyzer, and the results were compared with that of natural rubber.
Each test assertion has a unique identifier and contains all of the information that is needed to understand how the analyzer will process the assertion.
Fault analyzer starts its matching process by reading from the top of the stack downward until it comes across a function name that doesn't match between two stacks.
Before the text data is added to the index, it is processed by an analyzer (using an analysis process).
There should be a mechanism, such as a Web service performance analyzer, to suggest what combination of process activities can perform the best in consuming scarce resources.
When combining process activities into a single Web service function, you need to develop a Web service redundancy analyzer.
The coal pyrolysis process is studied with the Thermogravimetric Analyzer, and Fixed Carbon in coal is burned in the simulated air state.
Since a lexical analyzer is actually nothing more than a parser optimized to process data into token streams, Spirit treats both parts of the process virtually identically.
In the process of measuring radio frequency absorb material by vector network analyzer, the impedance of rectanglecoaxial measuring device is mismatched and cause redundant reflection.
An important part of the input process is carried out by the lexical analyzer.
It describes briefly the working principle and specific process for diagnosing and remedying troubles occurring in Noranda process operation by using X ray fluorescent analyzer.
Based on this, the work principle, work process, cautions in use and features of ZDL8 automatic sulfur analyzer are presented in detail and the t testing has proved the reliability of this analyzer.
A new type of on-line trace oxygen analyzer for industrial process analysis is reported.
Elaborated composition and work process of the model, particularly analyzed the intrusion detection analyzer structure which is the major component of the model.
The laser gas analyzer was applied to ironmaking process of blast furnace successfully, and meets the needs of gas analysis very well in blast furnace process control.
The Analyzer with MC9S12DG128 MCU controlling system is used to collect and process the data of NH3 automatically and quickly.
The process of attenuation measurement is presented, which utilizes a system consisted of a sweep oscillator, a pair of broad-banded horns, and a scalar network analyzer, etc.
The hydrocarbon analyzer will analyze both the total hydrocarbons (as methane) or individual hydrocarbon species in various process stages.
The sulfur analyzer unit will analyze either the total sulfur or individual sulfur species during various process stages.
The process can be carried out on a manual basis or in an automated auto analyzer system.
The process can be carried out on a manual basis or in an auto mated auto analyzer system.
Objective: To establish a quality control process for ACL-9000 coagulation analyzer.
目的探讨全自动凝血分析仪acl- 9000检测结果的质量控制方法。
The flow cell is connected to the analyzer by a single pair of fiber optic cables allowing the analyzer to be located as close to or far from the process as desired.
SYNAC is a syntactic analyzer based on some semantic analysis, which USES Definite Clause Grammar as its expressing tool. It can process more complicate sentences.
Fiber length, coarseness of raw material and pulp from different pulping process were determined by FS-200 type fiber analyzer. Moreover, the obtained results were analyzed in detail.
用FS - 2 0 0纤维分析仪对若干造纸原料、同种原料的不同制浆方法的纤维长度、粗度进行测定,并对测定值的分析。
Some suggestions are given on how to apply the electromagnetic concentration analyzer to measure the concentration of lye in yarn mercerizing process.
Some suggestions are given on how to apply the electromagnetic concentration analyzer to measure the concentration of lye in yarn mercerizing process.