Finally, satistical process control and process capability analysis method are applied to control and monitor to A product in C process in order to prevent abnormality.
Furthermore, there are cases where process capability is low but the process is in control,and there are cases where the process is out of control but the process capability is comparative high.
Presents the principle of statistics process control, the judgement of state in statistical control for a process by means of control chart, and the analyses and improves process capability.
In this paper, the definition of process capability and calculation method of process capability index, and how to control the process quality in motors batch production are introduced.
The basic theory and knowledge of the characteristics and identification methods of auto-correlated process, process capability analysis and control charts are first introduced in this paper.
CMM is a systematic method of software process management and control. It provides the roadmap to software process improvement and bases to software process capability evaluation.
The organization shall perform process studies on all new manufacturing (including assembly or sequencing) processes to verify process capability and to provide additional input for process control.
Combining the forecasting of machining dimension with that of process capability in a machining process, principle and method of feed-back compensative control is proposed in the paper.
The study of multivariate process capability index is one of the difficulties in the process control and is also question which domestic and foreign experts and scholars have paid attention to.
The results indicates that, process control cost has notably reduced, and process capability has notably increased.
Control the process through the creation and implementation of a project control plan. Process capability was established by conducting pilot samples from the population.
Control the process through the creation and implementation of a project control plan. Process capability was established by conducting pilot samples from the population.