The Icarian diet also contains large amounts of olive oil, fruit and vegetables and very little processed food.
Three dietary patterns were identified; a processed diet high in fats and sugar, a traditional diet of meat and vegetables and a health-conscious diet high in salad, fruit and vegetables.
"We've sold cotton, we've sold cookies, crackers, fruit juice, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing-a lot of processed foods," says Mr Sparks.
“We've sold cotton, we've sold cookies, crackers, fruit juice, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing—a lot of processed foods,” says Mr Sparks.
Try carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, or your own homemade trail mix instead of cookies, chips, or processed foods that tend to be loaded with fat and calories.
The products are more processed. The best way to get protein is through foods such as a Turkey sandwich, Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit.
They are found in many common consumer products, primarily in fruit and vegetables but also in processed products such as chocolate, tea or wine.
The can of fruit was made from processed fruit pulp.
Jam contains the whole fruit which is mashed and processed.
All existing support for processed fruit and vegetables will be decoupled and the national budgetary ceilings for the SPS will be increased.
Italians put the fruit processed into these ivory buttons, decorated by people in the fashion world's most high-end use.
When companies alter processed foods like cookies, salad dressings, peanut butter, and fruit yogurt to become "low fat, " they typically add sugar to compensate for taste.
About 40% of total fruit production is processed, marketing rate accounts for more than 85% of total production.
The fruit can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, fruit sauce, ice-cream, cheese, etc, so it has a high economic development value.
The utility model solves the problems of large labor intensity, long operating time, high damage rate, poor quality of processed fruit, etc. , in the process of hawthorn seed removal.
本实用新型解决了山楂去核 加工中劳动强度大、占用工时多、加工果品的破碎率高、质量差等问 题。
When they make jelly, the juice is squeezed from the pulp through filters and then processed. Jam contains the whole fruit which is mashed and processed.
Observation data of P C type strainmeter at Xichang seismic station from 1995 to 1997 are processed by using a new method in fruit of the Eighth Five year Plan Period.
利用“八五”攻关成果提供的方法,对西昌地震台1995 ~1997 年压容应变仪原始观测数据进行了处理。
Diluted or as a raw material processed directly into fruit juice beverage.
The red bayberry wine is a fruit wine that is brewed with the fresh red bayberry processed well through breaking, pressing, fermenting and aging.
杨梅酒是以新鲜杨梅为原料,经破碎、压榨、 发酵、陈酿精制而成的果酒。
The red bayberry wine is a fruit wine that is brewed with the fresh red bayberry processed well through breaking, pressing, fermenting and aging.
杨梅酒是以新鲜杨梅为原料,经破碎、压榨、 发酵、陈酿精制而成的果酒。