YL-BZD type pressing type semi automatic box gluing machine using sophisticated processing technology and high-quality steel fabrication, mechanical efficiency per minute 40-60 sheet.
YL - BZ D型压合式半自动粘箱机采用精良的加工工艺和优质钢材加工制作而成,机械效率每分钟40 -60片。
The design and fabrication of dual-band microwave low noise amplifier are discussed in this paper. The design details and processing techniques are presented.
The RTD oscillator, physical structures and fabrication process of vector hydrophone are designed, and the signal processing has been discussed.
The secondary light distribution lens' material is made of crystal glass. After special fabrication processing, it has much better function on transmission of light and anti-ultraviolet rays.
The processing capacity of the holes in pipe is about 40% of the processing capacity of the boiler drum and collecting header in boiler fabrication.
This will simplify both the theoretical investigations and the processing during fabrication of magnetic bearings.
What's more, it also introduces various advanced processing technology, fabrication flew, measuring technique and so on.
The utility model has the advantages that the fabrication of a die is simple, the processing of various parts and components is easy, the fabrication and the installation are convenient, etc.
并具有模具制 造简单,各种零部件易于加工,制造安装方便等优点。
The utility model has the advantages that the fabrication of a die is simple, the processing of various parts and components is easy, the fabrication and the installation are convenient, etc.
并具有模具制 造简单,各种零部件易于加工,制造安装方便等优点。