In addition to processor clock speed, another important processor performance metric is clock cycles per instruction (CPI).
As the name implies, this governor's goal is to get the maximum performance out of a system by setting the processor clock speed to the maximum level and leaving it there.
Clock speed of the processor cores handling the request on both sides.
But the Godson 3c processor will leapfrog current technology by using a 28-nanometer process, although this will only increase its clock speed by about a factor of two, estimates Halfhill.
Windows 3.x required an 8086/8088 processor or better that had a clock speed of up to 10MHz.
Windows 3.x需要8086/8088或者其它时钟频率超过10MHz的处理器。
Besides the clock speed, the technology used in a processor can affect performance.
Besides the clock speed, the technology used in a processor can affect performance.