Article 13 the act of seizing and freezing money and property involved in cases shall be subject to approval of the procurator-general and be enforced by more than two public procurators.
Article 31 Where there is a need for requesting the seized money and property temporarily for the purpose of verifying the evidence, the matter is subject to approval of the procurator-general.
Article 33 When disposing the distraint involved in cases, the department of handling cases shall put forward opinions which is subsequently submitted to the procurator-general for making a decision.
And area of Brooklyn public procurator say and have evidence materials to professor at this the explanations of clause the lawyers of attorney general state.
Colombia's Procurator General Edgardo Maya visited China to build stronger economic and social ties between the two nations.
Colombia's Procurator General Edgardo Maya visited China to build stronger economic and social ties between the two nations.