We can be commissioned to design and produce carrier tapes of different types for our customers.
In Chinese, Yang said this news was' good, 'but then he announced he had reached a deal with a major Chinese telecom carrier to produce a still-in-design Zuuma GPS-and-cellphone mount.
Different modes of thinking produce different language expressions, and language is the carrier of thought.
This article briefly introduces the produce of transmitting noise caused by converter valves, noise propagation mode, and its affection to adjacent power line carrier channels.
For the transport of passengers the carrier shall deliver a passenger ticket. A passenger to travel in civil aircraft shall produce a valid passenger ticket for check.
When the goods arrived at the port of destination, the carrier released them without requiring GJL to produce the bill of lading.
Gene mutation makes human cells no longer produce normal CCR5 protein, HIV virus so it can not enter the human cell carrier.
The key of the infrared sending program was calling the interrupt subroutine to produce the carrier wave and modulate it with the key signal.
The olefin conversion of FCC naphtha to produce light olefins over regular carrier catalyst preparated from shape-selective molecular sieve was studied in a regular fixed-bed reactor.
CoQ10 works as an electron carrier in themitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells, to produce energy and is also apowerful antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant that humans synthesise in thebody.
Thunderbolt effects may produce destructive results in launching rocket. In this paper some preventing thunderbolt measures are introduced when space carrier rocket is launched in thunderstorm season.
The 1-bit signal values may be are arranged into a signal value word that is bitwise logically combined with a carrier demodulation template word to produce a demodulated signal value word.
The 1-bit signal values are bitwise logically combined (e. g. , XORed) with a 1-bit quantized carrier demodulation template to produce demodulated 1-bit signal values.
将1位信号值与1位量化载 波解调模板逐位进行逻辑组合(例如,异或),以产生解调的1位信 号值。
China is able to make all kinds of civil-use satellites and also to produce and launch various kinds of carrier rockets.
China is able to make all kinds of civil-use satellites and also to produce and launch various kinds of carrier rockets.