Inclusion of videos that demonstrate product benefits and value.
Of course, the end product benefits most when the technology used is in fact the best match for the overall solution.
Opportunities to drive education & engagement by virtually experiencing the RTB, product benefits & ingredient action not just in-stores, but also in the hands of your consumers.
Product or Service: Describe what you're selling. Focus on customer benefits.
And we wanted to get the same benefits as we apply these techniques to our commercial product development.
The benefits to business innovation provided by software are changing the fundamentals of how product companies compete.
Your SOA initiative's success should depend on the business benefits its built around, not on a single-vendor product suite used to implement it.
Be sure to translate the features of your product, service, idea or recommendation into audience benefits a and target the benefit to fit that audience.
Almost any client has a message that they want to convey, usually the benefits of a product or service.
You have to make sure that you not only recognise and identify the features of your product, but that you're pushing the benefits of having and using it as well.
These perceptions of costs and benefits can be determined through research, and used in positioning the product.
This works well enough for companies with a physical product to sell, especially one that benefits from visual exposure.
Many consumers may not have heard the term greenwashing, but they've surely experienced it — misleading marketing about the environmental benefits of a product.
Business Process Management enabled by SOA: Get complete product information on IBM BPM software, including features and benefits, downloads, and more.
They need to know all of the features and benefits of the product or service so that they can talk about it with customers and answer the customer's questions fully.
Gracious as it is of companies to offer provision of their product, however, there are, unfortunately, certain challenges, as well as benefits, to which all parties need to be sensitive.
Benefits can include: I increased control over the product; ii better interoperability with other solutions; and iii reduced cost.
These successes lead led to the anticipated benefits of improved full software verification team (SVT) ramp-up time and improved product quality at full system test entry.
We first decide what values (or benefits) we want to achieve before launching a project or product
A new product or way of working has to have some critical features or benefits that assure its adoption.
But to realize the benefits of an integrated product set such as the IBM Software Development Platform, new implementation strategies may need to be considered and combined.
Public relations activities raise awareness of the product, its principal features and benefits, as well as where to buy it.
This allows you to harvest the benefits in terms of product quality and controlled change.
The benefits of this product are particularly evident on polyester viscose fabrics.
Indeed, testers of all skill levels advance toward the benefits of keyword-driven testing as a free by-product of more effective manual testing using IBM Rational manual tester.
事实上,所有技能等级的测试人员向关键字驱动的测试的好处推进,其作为使用IBMRationalManual Tester而进行的更有效的人工测试的免费副产品。
Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it?
How many specific benefits for your product or idea can you list?
你能为自己的产品或创意列出多少个具体的优点? ?
How many specific benefits for your product or idea can you list?
你能为自己的产品或创意列出多少个具体的优点? ?