Collaboration was the keyword: editors, designers, picture researchers and production staff worked closely together.
How are the production staff paid?
The existing 30 professional and technical personnel, production staff of 330 people.
The company has a large number of outstanding managers and production staff of experienced.
Engage in chemical benzene as a raw material production staff must pay attention to labor protection.
Production workers , management members and non- production staff are all involved in quality control .
Professionals: companies are 56 professional and technical personnel management, production staff of 206 people;
The company has strong technical force and experienced management staff and the first production line production staff.
Play from last year"s popular drama series "wage earners to buy a house in mind, " the production staff to play production.
Design staff for the steel structure or mechanical engineers, production staff for the professional and technical personnel.
The pivotal batch manufacturing equipment is standard production equipment operated by production staff with routine QA personnel?
The Human Resources Department is responsible to organize the qualification training, education and appraisal of the production staff.
Have safety training, equipment operation training, maintenance training and quality training of products for production staff regularly.
Now have a set of advanced production equipment and a professional production staff to produce a quality product, functional, quality assured.
AQL manual inspection may be carried out by production staff (to avoid setting up a separate visual inspection team in QC) under a quality oversight or the quality unit.
Complex contemporary digital animation software, animation, digital animation production staff in the face of change, the need to select the right software and production methods.
Scenic designers are responsible for creating scale models of the scenery, paint elevations and scale construction drawings as part of their communication with other production staff.
QianYa owns production staff more than 90% of all college graduates from the selected, through comprehensive training qualified rear can spot, and implement the posts and end eliminate system.
Advanced assembly production line, perfect testing equipment, production and management in the long term, with a group of senior technical personnel, experienced production staff and sales force.
And the beauty of the tool is that we have now transitioned the production support activities to the client staff.
It has no back end repository to query against and is not enabled for production environments, but it is useful for simple test scenarios with staff support.
System test environments are used by the administration staff to test patches and configuration changes before they are adopted by the QA and production environments.
The mass production of the automatic washing-machine freed women, or their staff, from many hours spent elbow-deep in the laundry sink.
Linkages were established with several private meat and food processing industries with centre staff providing technical support and advice during installation of equipment and trial production.
There is one thing you should do before placing your reusable asset into production and that is talk to your production support staff.
The essential point is that once a build is proven to be good it needs to swiftly move into production so that the staff can focus on the next set of features.
There is no agreed and ordered set of work steps, allocation of skills, definition of interim results, or metrics for production to guide the work of the staff.
By the end of the 70s, Apple has a full staff of designers, programmers and a production line.
By the end of the 70s, Apple has a full staff of designers, programmers and a production line.