Fruitarian eats lots of fruit, with some nuts and grains or the products thereof.
Animal feeds, such as animals, animal products or any processed products thereof.
The invention furthermore concerns use of such an additive and thermoplastic material comprising such additive as well as products thereof.
And it gives an insightful demystification on the establishment and realization on the products thereof from a perspective of Chinese and western bankruptcy law.
The invention relates to a preparation method of temperature response macromolecular gelatinous fibre material and products thereof, which can be applied on artificial muscles.
The expense for training material and sample products thereof is the upper limit and Donor has the right to make corresponding adjustment based on the company's operation and management.
This invention relates to a process for preparation of spiced tea concentrate and products thereof, useful in beverage preparation using black tea and approved food grade spice extractives.
"Any technological application that USES biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use".
Distributor agrees that it will not distribute or represent any Products in the Territory that compete with the Products during the term of this Agreement or any extensions thereof.
Coating liquid capable of reducing fingerprint adhesion, manufacturing method thereof, and products coated with the coating liquid.
The GHT1 LV switch cubicle's technical parameters and its merits thereof as well as the possibility of substituting for old products are briefly introduced in the article.
The invention relates to a glass key suitable for delicate electronic products and a processing method thereof.
Agent is only authorized to solicit orders for Manufacturer's products and the sale thereof within the territories.
Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones, other products of heading no. 29, 37 or antibiotics.
Tax credit for taxes and duties on raw materials, supplies and semi-manufactured products used in the manufacture of export products and forming part thereof.
The Measures shall not apply to administration of enterprises manufacturing dangerous products and package thereof, products with unsteady quality or products that need to be transported in bulk.
Conforming to the product standards marked on the products or the packages thereof, and to the state of quality indicated by way of product directions, samples, etc.
The invention relates to a medicinal preparation containing raw materials, especially belongs to lucid ganoderma products and a production technique thereof.
The invention relates to polyester knitting warp-yarn eiderdown shell fabric and a processing method thereof, belonging to the technical field of polyester fiber products.
The invention relates to a spotted deer antler liquid and a preparation method thereof, belonging to the technical field of the deep processing of deer antler products.
Products, especially moulding materials of polymers containing triazine segments, method for the production thereof and USES of the same.
Also provided are personal care products comprising such compositions, and methods of use thereof.
Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported meat products and the supervision and administration thereof.
The products find widespread application in the manufacture of cars, motorcycles and accessories thereof, electronic industry, optical instruments, clocks and watches as well as special motors etc.
The invention relates to an anti-virus feed additive for reducing cholesterol, a production process thereof and application, which belong to the technical field of biological products.
The invention relates to an anti-virus feed additive for reducing cholesterol, a production process thereof and application, which belong to the technical field of biological products.