Enterprise will pay quite attention to product cost-conservative price and profit-making chances, which is able to provide basis for authority's scientific decision.
As an enterprise, making proper selling price and intercompany transfer price is very important, which relate to gain ideal profit and evaluate every department correctly.
In fact, failures of many enterprises result from the parochial viewpoint of regarding an enterprise as a money-making machine and maximum profit as the only goal.
Article 91 Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers, baggage, mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit.
The assets element is the present resource making profit managed and administered by the enterprise.
Profit making is the aim of the enterprise. And the project is the source of the benefit of the construction enterprise.
Irrespective of making profit or loss, the enterprise should file the return with the local tax authorities.
Facing to the keen competition of market, the enterprise should strengthen the management of procurement and inventory, while all activities focus on the profit making.
Tax planning is one kind of financial management activities by making use of the existing tax policy, which plays a positive role to raising enterprise profit and competition.
Tax planning is one kind of financial management activities by making use of the existing tax policy, which plays a positive role to raising enterprise profit and competition.