Program reset enables the camera or wireless unit to be programmed to restart during a specified time interval.
I therefore thought of storing the reference as the caption of a control on a hidden form to protect it from Program Reset clearing all VB variables.
There is a type of test being done, wherein public reaction is gauged, and then the program reset to be more pointed or less, depending upon reaction.
Under the reset program, the M113 vehicles will be brought back to combat-ready condition and gain add-on armor and nuclear, biological, and chemical protective equipment.
You create a Statement to execute commands to drop and recreate the table, which allows you to reset the database from this program if it becomes corrupted.
They can also span for the lifetime of a program as run units and are reset to their initial value on each program or method entry.
By default, this program will silently reinstall itself even after a hard reset, if the memory card with these files is still in the device.
The implementing circuits of watchdog, delay on power outage, power failure monitoring and automatic reset and related program are given.
A watchdog timer can automatically reset the system or generate an interrupt should the system stop due to a program bug or EMI.
Once a program has used an area of its stack, it is never reset to 0 by the compiler.
The program is able to reset permissions on all files stored on the target drive, create an unprotected folder if this is necessary and lock the device with a single click.
To change the application program the microcontroller is reset by running the downloading program.
A self reset type button is arranged to control the demagnetizing operating program and the detecting operating program.
Program to reset to zero on reaching preset 3 or vice versa.
To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers.
解决这一问题,使文件的副本,然后使用非微软的ID 3标记编辑程序,以消除或重置文件的的ID 3头。
The request has been completed, and the client program should reset the document view that caused the request to be sent to allow the user to easily initiate another input action.
After you installed the program, soft reset first.
After you installed the program, soft reset first.