For example, the project manager is accountable for working with the managers to identify and resolve portfolio and program issues.
In this level of the framework the project manager is responsible for program Management and working to resolve program and portfolio level issues.
The keys to a successful and effective PPM implementation are a knowledgeable portfolio manager (s) and a supporting process that incorporates project management disciplines.
Portfolio Manager provides the needed framework to facilitate this joining, stimulates the discussion, and allows for ongoing staffing adjustments based on the emergence of the project.
Portfolio Manager提供了需要的框架来使这个联合容易实现,鼓励讨论,并允许基于工程出现的正在进行的人员配备调整。
You can then take this published Web site and manually upload it to the Portfolio Manager server for easy access by the team members of the project.
您可以获得此发布的Web站点,并为了项目团队成员更容易访问,手动地将其上传到Portfolio Manager服务器上。
If we believe that most projects should be using this project as is and only a minority of those projects will want to customize it, we can export it to Portfolio Manager without modification.
如果我们认为大多数项目应这个项目一样使用当前的过程,并且只有少数项目希望对过程进行定制,我们可以在不修改的情况下将其导出到Portfolio Manager中。
Portfolio Manager will help you find the employees best suited, in skills and availability, to work on the project.
Portfolio Manager将帮助您选择技能和可用性方面最适合的人员为该项目工作。
The project management for the development and deployment of the COTS package will then be managed by Portfolio Manager.
对于cots包的开发和部署的项目管理是通过Portfolio Manager进行管理的。
Resources: Portfolio Manager uses repository-wide competencies and skills definitions to permit project planning based on required resource profiles.
资源:Portfolio Manager使用广泛的数据库和技能定义来保证基于必需资源档案的项目规划。
Portfolio Manager can also be configured to provide a framework for risk management at the project, portfolio, and enterprise level (COSO II).
Portfolio Manager还可以被配置用来为项目、项目组合,及企业层的风险管理(COSO II)提供框架。
Within Portfolio Manager, a project and a proposal are equivalents.
在Portfolio Manager 中,项目和提议是等同的。
This stems from the challenge of joining factual Portfolio manager data with the tacit knowledge of the resource functional managers and project managers.
这个起源于将实际的Portfolio Manager数据与资源职能经理和项目经理的默认知识联合起来的挑战。
The integration between RMC and IBM Rational Portfolio manager allows the manager to rapidly instantiate a project plan based on a starting template and project specifics.
RMC和IBMRationalPortfolio Manager的集成让经理可以根据开始模板和项目细节很快的实例化一个项目计划。
Have the appropriate roles working with the appropriate tools (for example, project managers working with Rational Portfolio manager and business analysts working with RequisitePro).
以适当的角色工作于适当的工具(例如,项目管理者工作于RationalPortfolio Manager,业务分析师工作于RequisitePro)。
Have the appropriate roles working with the appropriate tools (for example, project managers working with Rational Portfolio manager and business analysts working with RequisitePro).
以适当的角色工作于适当的工具(例如,项目管理者工作于RationalPortfolio Manager,业务分析师工作于RequisitePro)。