If an EGL build file with the same name already existed in the project, its content will be reset.
A version tag applies a meaningful name of your choice to a specific revision of each file in the repository, essentially creating a named snapshot of your development project.
Defining your service means creating a project for it and creating a WSDL file specifying details, such as the namespace and port type (interface) name.
Edit the file by adding the project name, use-case name, use-case details, and so on.
CreateEGLFile: Creates an empty EGL source file — in the specified package (under the EGLSource folder) for the project specified — with the name specified in the parameters.
Create a new file in the MyBooks project and name it books.xml and copy the following content to the generated file.
在MyBooks项目中新建一个文件,命名为books . xml,然后把下面的这些内容复制到所生成的文件中。
Using Team Project Set maintains an index file of the name and the physical location of the projects.
From the logical data model File page, accept the defaults for the data design project for the logical model, and for the name of the logical model.
You can now edit the name of the page in the plugin.properties file in the plug-in project.
您现在可以在项目的插件的plugin . properties文件中编辑页面的名称。
ProjectName: the name of the project that will contain this EGL file.
ProjectName: the name of the project that will contain this EGL build file.
projectName: The name of the project that contains this EGL file
A file with the datapool name and the extension.datapool is created in the project; the original CSV file is no longer needed.
CreateEGLFile: Creates an empty EGL source file (under the EGLSource folder for the project specified) with the name specified in the parameters.
Now create a new HTML file and name it input.html in the WebContent folder of your Web project.
现在,在Web项目的WebContent文件夹中创建一个新的html文件并命名为input . html。
As a default, Modeler appends a time and date string to the end of the project interchange name so you can easily tell when it was exported. To import the project interchange file.
Provide a Project name (SessionProject in my case), browse for the WSDL file of the Web Service and click on ok.
Type build.xml as the file name, then select the project as the location for the file.
The file is renamed in the project, and the rename operation (an Add for the new name, and a Delete for the old one) is queued for your next commit.
From the physical data model File page, accept the default value for the data design project, specify ARCH_JKENT_HR_changes for the name for the physical model, and specify the database type.
If she opens the file for editing, it appears in the default project (which can be changed using the Browse button) using the file name shown.
There can be multiple project elements in this file, each with a unique name.
Type chapter1.xml in the File name box, then make sure that the SRC folder within your project is selected, then click Next.
在File name框中键入chapter 1 . xml,然后确保项目内的src文件夹已被选中,然后单击Next。
The project interchange file for the module setup is available to download with the name of "JarInModule.zip".
可以下载模块设置的项目交换文件,名为“JarInModule . zip”。
Give it an appropriate name, as shown in Figure 13 (this will be used as the filename of the configuration file in the UML project).
Save the Protege project with a.owl filename, such as loanorigination.owl (Protege Version 3.2 Build 236 cannot store a file name containing a space).
使用文件后缀名. owl保存protege项目,如loanorigination . owl (ProtegeVersion 3.2Build 236不能存储包含空格的文件名)。
Select file name, project name, and runtime server.
Select your project and enter a suitable file name e.g. policy.xml
Your workbench project, check the Import WSDL document check box, ender a WSDL file name, and select Go.
We accept the default file name, "Services", ensure that the destination folder is set to the root directory of our project, and press "Finish".
接受默认文件名 “Services”,确保目标文件夹设置为项目的root目录,随后按下 “Finish”。