Often, the team individuals have their own line manager, and so the project manager has no implied authority - yet still needs to motivate the individual.
As the architect, you will be wearing your project management hat to create a time line of events.
The line went only as far as Fire Island, New York, before the project was abandoned.
The bottom line is that the architect or senior developer can maintain control over the code developers use across the project.
This kind of organization template is used when a team leader, a project leader, or perhaps a line of business owner determines to formalize the asset efforts within their influence.
Too often the conversation relegates to the line item having been put there to be a buffer in case of project overruns.
This is where multiple teams must contribute to a single project, product, or product line.
Daunt added that Waterstone's e-reader project was "well down the planning line".
The exact command line you need to run the test suite varies widely from one project to the next.
Your next task is to begin the process of putting a time line with the various project components.
It starts within an organization at a project level, goes up to a business line, and covers its various existing applications across lines of business into the enterprise architecture.
To execute data rules from the command line, first prepare an XML document specifying the name of the project and the name of the rules to execute.
What's needed is a way to link project costs to the resulting business benefits in a clear line of sight with corporate goals and strategies.
Apart from the project at hand, drawing a line between where you can deviate from best practices and where you can't has long term implications on your career.
SBS generated 35,000 line of code for this project, and an estimated of 42% effort was saved.
According to the ACLU's National Prison Project, 80% of convicted felons have incomes below the poverty line.
East Japan Railway said the funds for such a project on the Yamanote Line - used by up to eight million passengers each day - would not be available until at least 2017.
I'd love to show the example of the 2,200-line method I found on a project I had to maintain.
If you want to run it from the command line, you need to install the command line Zero runtime and unzip the project into its apps directory.
Use the command line in Listing 2 to create a project named zero.
使用清单2中的命令行创建名为zero.httpd 的项目;
Understand asset to asset relationships via graphical representation and drag and drop development governance rules to meet the needs of their project or line of business.
This open source project adds a collection of PowerShell commands that allow manipulating open XML from the command line.
Along the lines of a curses backend, anygui's project lead, Magnus Lie Hetland, has suggested a plain line-oriented fallback interface, maybe using readlines support.
按照curses后端的风格,anygui的项目负责人MagnusLie Hetland已经建议了纯面向行界面(似乎有点倒退),它可以使用readlines支持。
Scottish Power, National Grid and Shell UK want to use an existing natural gas line - running from Falkirk to Peterhead - for the project.
Liberty doesn't have their own makeup line, so I wanted to partner on a project that spoke to both the brand's modernity and global authority.
In line with XP thinking, test cases are built early on in this type of project.
Ultimately, responsibility for maintaining and continually updating the reference architecture rests in the hands of front-line project management and the architecture group.
XMD will start a command-line session with the project directory as the current working directory.
XMD will start a command-line session with the project directory as the current working directory.