Information on the status of the project activities being performed to accomplish the project work is routinely collected as part of the project management plan execution.
Direct and manage project Execution-executing the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project's requirements defined in the project scope statement.
Updates arising from approved changes during project execution may significantly impact parts of the project management plan.
Project development plan, and the project execution schedule control and management.
Managing the project scope, in turn, can determine how well the project management team can plan, manage, and control the execution of the project.
The project management information system is an automated system used by the project management team to aid execution of the activities planned in the project management plan.
Thee project management information system is an automated system used by the project management team to aid execution of the activities planned in the project management plan.
It is crucial for successful project management and schedule control to have a scientific and efficient project execution plan.
BPR project was consisted of four parts i. e., purchasing plan process, supplier exploration and management process, order issuing and execution process, stock in and payment clearance process.
BPR project was consisted of four parts i. e., purchasing plan process, supplier exploration and management process, order issuing and execution process, stock in and payment clearance process.