You'll be asked to provide both a project and directory name.
The next step in the wizard allows you to specify the details for your project, such as name and directory structure.
The project tag is also used to set the name of the project, the default target, and the base directory.
The project becomes the project and directory name, and PREFIX becomes the directory name where the new project directory will be created.
Rename your existing Web directory, and create a new Git project by the same name by cloning your bare repository.
Select a target directory, verify the project name and the export name, then click Finish.
Eclipse creates a new directory in the repository with the same name as your project, and displays a list of all files and folders in the project.
Click Finish, and a new folder with the name of your project is created in the workspace directory.
For this example, we use a project template Name of cots_delivery_process and a target Directory of c: \ temp \ CotsDeliveryProcess.
对于此实例,我们使用Name为cots_delivery _ process,且目标Directory为c: \temp \CotsDeliveryProcess的项目模板。
Enter the project name ("Felix" for example), select your project directory, and uncheck the "Create Main Class" check box then press the finished button. See Figure 3.
输入项目名称 (比如"Felix"),选择你的项目目录,取消 "CreateMainClass"复选框,并按结束按钮(见下图)。
Inside the project directory, create two more directories: bin and SRC. (Some people prefer to name these build and source, respectively.)
We accept the default file name, "Services", ensure that the destination folder is set to the root directory of our project, and press "Finish".
接受默认文件名 “Services”,确保目标文件夹设置为项目的root目录,随后按下 “Finish”。
Navigate into this directory, and you'll see a sub-directory, named first-app (or whatever you specified in as the name of your project).
进入这个目录,可以看到一个名为first - app(即您在build . properties中为项目指定的名称)的子目录。
New project dialog box to specify project properties such as the name of the project, or the directory and solution where your project will reside.
New project dialog box to specify project properties such as the name of the project, or the directory and solution where your project will reside.