All project team members take one or more roles.
Coordinate relations between project team members.
All project team members are aware of the complete project.
Project team members can be referred to as the project's staff.
This step sends an E-mail with the build and verify result to the project team members.
Make sure your project team members are motivated, which is more important than skills alone.
Collaborate with other project team members to ensure the best design and concept execution.
An official definition of exceptions, such as changes in project scope or in the project team members.
Test management must coordinate the efforts of all project team members involved in the testing effort.
You observe that some of your project team members are having a difficult time adjusting to the new culture.
Collaborate with other project team members to check past ATMO5 or other source history for similar projects and solutions.
Based on this problem, the project manager and project team members can not reject completely, and also can not accept completely.
Time resource is also an important thing because project team members have to complete their activities on time for sensation of a project.
The ability to succeed is established within the minds of the clients as well as the project team members in the early stages of the effort.
Project team members can create mashups that consume data from disparate sources using content syndication technologies such as RSS or ATOM feeds.
The project team Kick-off meeting is the first meeting with the project team members to discuss the project and the work that will be completed.
With the RUP Organizer, the process engineer describes the modified Scrum workflows, which helps project team members better understand the Scrum process.
User- software professionals' conflicts and conflicts among project team members have both significant negative correlations with project performance.
Students participate, as project team members, in the preparation of a plan that will help create a compatible and positive physical structure of the area.
The home page of the team project template provides portlets, such as Announcements, FAQs, and Links, and also a members portlet listing the project team members.
Team Project的主页提供了portlet,如Announcements、FAQs和Links,还有列出项目团队成员的Membersportlet。
NPI project Leader will collect and review plans for subtask from project Team members from cross functional department, then create schedule for NPI project.
NPI project Leader will collect and review plans for sub-task from project Team members from cross functional department, then create schedule for NPI project.
It contains all activities and related responsibilities of the project team members, customers, and other stakeholders involved in the contract closure process.
Decreases in project timelines and increases in application complexity have drawn more project team members into the testing effort, many of whom lack testing experience.
In projects that adopt the "spirit of RUP," stakeholders and project team members understand that requirements can and should change and evolve as they learn more and more.
This procedure contains all the activities and the related roles and responsibilities of the project team members involved in executing the administrative closure procedure.
When a project seems to be deviating from its expected course, you should talk with the project team members to determine what the metric(s) mean and how the team can execute better.
It also enables communication between the architect and other project team members regarding architecturally significant decisions and guides developers as they implement the system.
Strong interpersonal skills, including ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues and project team members with diverse expertise; collaborative, team-oriented work style.
Localization process in new product development process, project team members need project management knowledge and relevant skills therefore training becomes the most important task.