If you look to the left of the prompt dialog box, you can see the bookmarklet in the toolbar, as well as a toolbar entry I have for filing my other often-used bookmarklets.
You might have noticed that the integration test client will prompt you to select a server location when you run a test; you can also use that dialog box to bring up the New Server wizard.
When the user clicks the button, it will prompt the user to enter the required mail retention request information within a modal dialog box.
The dialog box for this transformation will prompt the user for a web project, to generate the WSDL and XSDs into, and the namespace for the WSDL.
If you don't like all those switches, etc, or using the command prompt, then you can bring up the shutdown dialog box.
When the access prompt is displayed, the purpose specified in these keys is displayed in that dialog box.
Selecting Other will prompt a dialog box to select the executable or program file of the preferred text editor.
Selecting Other will prompt a dialog box to select the executable or program file of the preferred text editor.