In many places there is a problem over intellectual property because of an imbalance of power between copyright and patent holders on the one hand, and the public on the other.
However this use must not infringe WHO's intellectual property rights, in particular relating to its name, emblem, copyright or authors' rights.
Works of spoof are not derivative works as are defined in the Intellectual Property Law, but works of parody, which do not infringe upon the copyright of original writers.
The object of copyright in intellectual property right is the product and not the carrier.
In essence, the protection of copyright protects the property of knowledge and arts.
Because of particularity of intellectual property right, abusing trademark and infringing copyright and patent right might compete each other under certain special occasion in addition.
Under some special cases, Using other's works without paying and being allowed by the owner of copyright are permitted by law, which is regarded as fair use in area of copyright intellectual property.
In the information era, new problems emerging in the intellectual property field can no longer be solved by the traditional copyright systems and related laws.
He once participated in drafting the copyright law of our country and he drafted the experts' proposed chapter of intellectual property rights of the civil code.
Copyright collective administration is a special system in the intellectual property rights protection. This system originated from France.
The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the information on this website belong and are reserved to the relevant owners.
Through surveying the intellectual property rights specialists, we know that majority attorneys and scholars favor in carrying on the protection using the copyright law in our country.
As between the Parties, the Employer shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Employer's Requirements and other documents made by (or on behalf of) the Employer.
Any violations of copyright or other intellectual property rights of the Company will be held accountable in accordance with the law.
Any violations of copyright or other intellectual property rights of the Company will be held accountable in accordance with the law.