This year, Rhizome organized an online group show called 'Professional Surfer' that took the prosaic idea of bookmarking Web pages and posited it as art.
今年,根茎网组织了一个名为“职业冲浪者”(Professional Surfer)的网上团体展览,取材于平常的网页书签功能,把它作为一项艺术加以展示。
This year, Rhizome organized an online group show called 'Professional Surfer' that took the prosaic idea of bookmarking Web pages and posited it as art.
今年,根茎网组织了一个名为“职业冲浪者”(Professional Surfer)的网上团体展览,取材于平常的网页书签功能,把它作为一项艺术加以展示。