Many have assumed that humans ceased to evolve in the distant past, perhaps when people first learned to protect themselves against cold, famine and other harsh agents of natural selection.
So, before venturing outdoors in Yakutsk for the first time, I have decided to don a suitcase's worth of clothes to protect me against the cold.
Either of a pair of ear coverings often attached to an adjustable headband and worn to protect the ears especially against the cold.
Cold-blooded animals go into a deep sleep in the ground to protect themselves against cold and hunger.
In the past, researchers have measured specific compounds made by the body that may protect against a cold or may be triggered by a cold virus.
Thee necessary steps must also be taken to avoid or protect against the risk of hot or very cold material being ejected.
This warm jacket will help to protect you against the cold.
Protect your dog against frostbite by limiting exposure to cold temperatures, particularly for short-coated, thin-skinned breeds, and immediately bring your dog indoors if he or she is shivering.
He was dressed from head to foot in heavy animal skins to protect against the cold.
Earth and plants protect against summer heat and winter cold.
The traditional native Australian Lemon Tea Tree Oil in our cream will help to protect against the drying and damaging effects on your skin from exposure to the cold, sun and pollution.
The traditional native Australian Lemon Tea Tree Oil in our cream will help to protect against the drying and damaging effects on your skin from exposure to the cold, sun and pollution.