As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment.
It is the people of other countries' common wish, is the urgent task that countries all over the world face too to protect the global environment.
To protect the global environment and improve the living standards, we are actively committed to the development and production of environmentally friendly energy conservation products.
The Company is also committed to protect the global environment, to enhance the communities where Colgate people live and work, and to be compliant with government laws and regulations.
It is very significant to develop the electronic control system for gas engine. As it can use energy sources efficiently, and improve the structure of energy, then protect the global environment.
In order to protect their global reputation, multi-nationals tend to take greater care over safety, the environment and legal compliance concerning their projects than their local counterparts.
In order to protect their global reputation, multi-nationals tend to take greater care over safety, the environment and legal compliance concerning their projects than their local counterparts.