Having that sort of curiosity is almost like a protective gear from getting into boredom.
Even with the protective gear, the scientists often operated at the edge of safety.
Conditions in the factory were said to be dangerous, with potentially toxic solvents and paints routinely handled by workers with only rudimentary protective gear.
Pile these factors on to a hot summer training session under heavy protective gear, and you have a recipe for some serious fluid loss.
But he said the thousands of cleanup workers face possible health concerns after being told to help out, receiving no protective gear and being coated in crude.
Of course, be sure they have on protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.
That's why polystyrene is ideal for use in bicycle helmets and other protective gear.
For example, most Ph.D. chemists have neither seen nor used the type of protective gear the U.S. military requires for work with nerve agents.
Taub and Diftler also envision R2 being adapted for workplace environments where bulky protective gear limits human dexterity, such as clean rooms or nuclear facilities.
The new armour is not pure liquid, of course. Rather, the fluid is sandwiched between layers of Kevlar, a high-strength polymer commonly employed in protective gear.
Wear Helmets and protective body gear - How many motorcyclists, bicyclists, skateboarders, etc. do see foolishly blazing around without wearing any form of protective body gear?
Although most hardware technology companies offer protective gear and cases for their gadgets, they also rely on third-party companies to create and design a variety of products.
Thinking that her son must be involved in the murder, Margaret springs into protective-mother gear and disposes of the body, without thinking of the consequences.
They had so much rubble to clear, he says, that they often keeled over in the heat under the weight of their protective gear. Taken out in ambulances, they would usually be back the following day.
The factory originally produced protective gear for laborers.
We didn't have no protective gear. We just went down there to work, to retrieve body parts. That's what we did.
As you will see. to maintain a high level of safety, we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gear.
Ion engine emissions are mildly radioactive, and technicians who work on vital ion engine components often wear protective gear.
Is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear?
Is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear?
真的有必要戴上防护装备吗? ?
Yes. this way, Considering your safety. please wear protective gear.
可以,这边走。考虑到您的安全,请戴上安全防护装备。 µ。
In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportswear.
In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportswear.