Strand Space Model (SSM) is a practical, intuitive and strict formal method for security protocol analysis.
In facts SSM is a practical, intuitive and strict formal method for security protocol analysis.
Because of its compactness, fineness and unambiguity, formal analysis of cryptographic protocol has been an efficient and correct method step by step.
Using formal method to analyze security protocol is a valid method to the analysis of security protocols. In recent years, a lot of formal methods appeared.
Security protocol is a very important role in securing network communication, and the formal analysis method for security protocol becomes one of the hottest research topics in security field.
This article introduces IKE protocol at first, then makes formal analysis on a certain key exchange mode by logical method, and proves the correctness of IKE.
The simplified SSL3 0 basic handshake protocol is analyzed by using a formal analysis method called the approach of the running-mode analysis.
The simplified SSL3 0 basic handshake protocol is analyzed by using a formal analysis method called the approach of the running-mode analysis.