At present, there are proven reserves Slate, kaolin, dolomite, iron ore and so on.
Indonesia has few proven reserves, but high prices may well spur further exploration.
Oil rigs and gas flares punctuate the horizon: his oil, 3.2 billion barrels in proven reserves.
In China has proven reserves of bauxite, a water bauxite accounts for about 98% of total reserves.
The cuts in proven reserves that will result are a heavy price for a company that is already short of oil.
[font=Times New Roman]James Arnold of Tullow says there are 700m barrels of proven reserves on the Ugandan side.
Oil production is falling by up to 10% a year, and proven reserves are now equal to just 13 years of current output.
Iraq is thought to have one of the world's largest supplies of crude oil, with 115 billion barrels in proven reserves.
The proven reserves are obtained based on the continuous summarization and deepened understanding of geologic rule.
It sells more than 2.5 Million barrels a day and is believed to have about 10 percent of the world's proven reserves.
OPEC controls around 80% of the world's proven reserves and over 40% of the worlds production among its 12 member states.
Though Chevron of America has rights to the only block where large proven reserves exist, much more oil is expected to be found.
The SEC standard for proven reserves has been followed by oil companies listed in the securities markets of the United States.
Only has proven reserves of mineral resources in, there are 13 kinds of metallic minerals and 29 kinds of non-metallic minerals.
Some speculate that, Congo included, the entire Albertine basin may yield even more than Sudan's 6 billion barrels of proven reserves.
With proven reserves of just 1.2 billion barrels of crude (against Nigeria's 36 billion), Ghana's windfall may last only a generation.
Ethiopia's proven reserves of oil and gas are minimal but analysts believe there is potential, particularly for gas, in the Ogaden.
The proven reserves mainly concentrate in the middle-shallow layer of the third member of Quantou formation to Nenjiang formation at present.
The price of natural gas serves as a lever not only to adjust demand, but to encourage increase in proven reserves and production of natural gas.
If the economy is still growing rapidly, forecast the results are: BP data in accordance with China's proven reserves of coal in 2035 will be exhausted;
The only natural resource tapped thus far is oil, of which the south has quite a bit (6.7 billion barrels in proven reserves, or a 40th of Saudi Arabia’s pool).
The only natural resource tapped thus far is oil, of which the south has quite a bit (6.7 billion barrels in proven reserves, or a 40th of Saudi Arabia's pool).
Thanks to new drilling technology, and in particular a controversial process called hydraulic fracturing or "fracking," the size of the proven reserves is growing.
Especially in recent years, with the proven reserves increase step by step at home and abroad, the study of non-structural petroleum has become a top subject.
Proven reserves of ferrous metals include iron, manganese, vanadium and titanium. China's 45.9 billion tons of iron ore are mainly distributed in northeast, north and southwest China.
Proven reserves of ferrous metals include iron, manganese, vanadium and titanium. China's 45.9 billion tons of iron ore are mainly distributed in northeast, north and southwest China.