One report found that 39 percent of consumers would switch from the brands they currently buy to others that provide clearer, more accurate product information.
You use this topic to provide background for understanding essential information about a product or process.
In addition, you could provide more specific structures for product and ordering information, to enable search engines and other applications to use the data more effectively.
Once the collection is started, you will be asked to provide input to several questions, such as the name of the data collection ZIP file, and other product specific information.
It's important to provide real information about your product or company.
This tends to provide enough information to understand what it will take to bring the product to life without over-specifying the backlog contents.
Whenever users wanted more information than the purchase path could provide, they had to take a navigational detour to an information-rich product details or comparison page.
Guideline 6 - Provide only necessary information about the product.
An automatically-updated collection of links to the most commonly-needed Web sites that provide information associated with each product.
Is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test.
是一种以观察和实验为依据的调查过程(empirical investigation),该过程以测试为手段,为干系人提供产品或服务的质量信息。
Tracing can be enabled on the Business Events side and on the integrating product side if the logs don't provide sufficient information to determine the cause of a problem.
Subtle hints provide users with enough information of how to find more about the "free" product.
Visit customers at office, factory and showroom etc., provide training and product information to customers.
Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.
II Classic and WebSphere information Integrator are used to access the VSAM file and provide a relational view to this legacy source that contains product information.
IIClassic和WebSphereInformation Integrator用来访问VSAM文件并为这个遗留数据源提供一个包含产品信息的关系视图。
Followed by the ease of use, consumers and visitors patience rarely, if you can not be the first time to provide the information they want or product, they will go to other places to find.
Software testing is a technical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with empirical information about the quality of a software product, system or service.
We do not endorse, represent or defend the use of any advertiser, product or service you voluntarily sign up to use, receive, or provide information to.
If the ads provide accurate information, they also help the average consumer to find the right product at the best price.
Provide detailed product information, and the latest industry news.
The unique selling point of their topic-maps based product is that they can integrate their customers' marketing and procedures documentation with the legal information they provide.
Distributor may request, and Supplier shall promptly provide, or shall cause such Affiliate promptly to provide, further information concerning the product or the offer.
The standard for product data representation and exchange STEP can provide sufficient technical support for the information integration of CIM system.
If your item is the product of sponsored research, you can provide information about the sponsor here.
Evaluating the semantic orientation of web pages about product information automatically can provide a direct view about the product which users care about.
Residual stresses and molecular orientation throughout a product provide important information about how that product will perform.
Please provide me with detailed information on your product inventory as well as prices.
The gadget recognizes products on store shelves and can provide product and price comparison information.
We have excellent business support, can provide you with good products close to the market, the most popular product information, the most popular application of formula, you always one step ahead.
Bicycle companies having e-commerce sites provide information service related to different product range of bicycles they sell with images and descriptions, which suites all age group and gender.