Fortunately for the tea drinkers of Britain, Prussian blue is a complex molecule, so it is almost impossible to release the cyanide ion from it and the poison passes harmlessly through the body.
The superintendent was in fact preparing iron ferrocyanide, a substance also known as Prussian blue, a pigment used in paints.
Prussian blue iron stain demonstrates the blue granules of hemosiderin in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells.
The Prussian blue iron stain reveals extensive hepatic hemosiderin deposition microscopically in this case of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH).
Hemochromatosis, with excessive iron deposition, can occur in the heart as shown here microscopically with Prussian blue iron stain.
Some medicines, like Prussian blue pills, can help expel radioactive elements from the body.
Prussian blue staining was also employed to observe the cells'internal and external iron contents.
The preparation of nano-Prussian Blue was reported, the course of accumulation, light stability, chemical stability and stability to heat of the Prussian Blue solution were studied.
Prussian Blue (PB) can be modified on inert electrodes acting as artificial enzyme of many biological or chemical substances to catalyse their REDOX reactions.
Methods: Using20%Prussian Blue Chloroform Solution as lymphatic dye, we studied the dynamic rule of stomach lymphatic flowing from138infant corpses.
French units are in blue, Anglo-Dutch units in red, Prussian in black.
A highly sensitive glucose biosensor was prepared based on the Prussian Blue modified electrode combined with SiO 2 Sol-Gel immobilization method in a "sandwich configuration".
RESULTS : When ferumoxides-TA or MION-46L TA was used, intracytoplasmic particles stained with Prussian blue stain were detected for all cell lines with a labeling efficiency of nearly 100%.
RESULTS : When ferumoxides-TA or MION-46L TA was used, intracytoplasmic particles stained with Prussian blue stain were detected for all cell lines with a labeling efficiency of nearly 100%.