The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul!
This was a disappointment, but the lavishly illustrated Corbie Psalter is the curator's favourite book.
The Macclesfield Psalter is a revealing product of artistic and patronage exchange in the Middle Ages.
Nevertheless, two years later, the first printed book in Europe, the Mainz psalter, came off Gutenberg's press.
The Macclesfield Psalter (c. 1335), a jewel of manuscript painting, was virtually unknown before its sale by Sotheby's in 2004.
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The period’s chief masterpiece, the Utrecht Psalter, produced in 830, is represented by a photograph (it rarely leaves the Netherlands and never crosses an ocean).
This influential book had arrived in England by 1000, and within a century had become the model for the spectacular Harley Psalter, which has pride of place in the centre of the room.
This influential book had arrived in England by 1000, and within a century had become the model for the spectacular Harley Psalter, which has pride of place in the centre of the room.