Consider the above procedure as pseudo code.
The pseudo code of the program and the design examples are presented.
Pseudo code is a combination of computer command and ordinary languages.
For example, the handler for ASPX pages is based on the following pseudo code.
Use the kernel API kernel_thread to register this kernel thread in this pseudo code.
在下面的伪代码中,使用了内核api kernel _ thread来注册这个内核线程。
This pseudo code is not only possible, but is exactly what happens on some JIT compilers.
In the last chapter we introduced the concept of pseudo code as a way to express algorithms.
This kernel thread should be destroyed in the close of the device driver in this pseudo code.
Second thing to notice, is that little piece of pseudo code is telling me things about values.
The features of pseudo code PM-carrier FM combined signal include the pseudo code and the modulation frequency.
Python is a good vehicle for exposition, though, because it reads like streamlined pseudo code, and is widely available.
但Python Python是一种很值得展示的工具,因为它读起来像流线型的伪代码,并且广泛可用。
Here is narration to help explain the numbered steps shown in Figure 2 (the application pseudo code is shown in Listing 1).
As shown in the last example, the usage of the toolbox allows to write algorithms that are as close as possible to pseudo code.
After the definitions related to conflict, the arbitrage strategies are discussed, and the negotiation process is described in pseudo code.
In order to keep the code clear, only the code that accesses and manipulates CM user groups is provided, and some parts are replaced by pseudo code.
And in particular, if I think about that problem - actually I want to do this - if I think about that problem, I'm going to write a little piece of pseudo code.
Right, so the things we want you to take away from this are, get into the habit of using pseudo code when you sit down to start a problem, write out what are the steps.
The pseudo code in Listing 1 shows a simplified SQL query that retrieves employee names for all active employees and lists them with the English names of their organizations.
Although the design is done at a higher abstraction level, specifying more "what" than "how," the real implementation still has to be manually translated from the pseudo code.
The notations included data flow diagrams, structure charts, HIPO diagrams, 5 procedure templates, pseudo code, structured flowcharts, structured English, and decision tables.
In the paper, being directed to the complex model of time-series pattern, drawing idea and giving pseudo code of the algorithm of finding time-series patterns has been presented.
I know this is a simple example, but when you mature as a programmer, one of the first things you should do when you sit down to tackle some problem is write something like this pseudo code.
The relative characteristics of the pseudo code are analyzed. With discussion on the principle ol ultrasonic level measurement based on pseudo code technology, the level measuring system is designed.
There are some who say that it is a form of pseudo-code.
Some programs might never halt when run on themselves, though -- so let's use DOES-HALT to write pseudo-code for a program that checks to see what happens when a program is given itself as input.
Some programmers write pseudo-code before they begin writing their program.
To better understand the solution, let's see an example using pseudo-code, first with conventional approaches, followed by the centralized solution.
The following pseudo-code demonstrates how single values can be retrieved from a database.
This approach to MDD is analogous to the pseudo-code design practices of the 1980s.
From an assembly language perspective, Listing 10 provides the pseudo-code.