The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.
Take part in planning the event to show off your creative projects to the public, and share tips on ways to reduce waste.
It's still in development, but soon will be adding file synchronization, the ability to make projects public or private, and better archiving.
While sought after around the globe for hisluxurydesigns, he prefers to stick to public projects.
Kaufman: I would favor some more public projects.
Think about it: Where are the big public works projects?
Very few projects offer the general public a chance to volunteer in improving the sum of human knowledge in such a significant way.
A new effort to provide funding to mobile projects aimed at public good could give us a good look at the future.
The two sides locked horns after the unveiling last year of the ambitious park redesign, by Grimshaw Architects, an international firm that specializes in public projects and environmental design.
The initiative, by a group of organizations that included the Mumbai Arts project (MAP), which is dedicated to creating public art projects, is just one sign that Mumbai's art scene is on the rebound.
Mr Castilla-Rubio sees ALERTS, and the PSI’s other projects, as “global public goods”—resources that everyone with an interest can share.
Among Hamada's many public works projects, the biggest benefits had come from the prison, the university and the Aquas aquarium, with its popular whales, they said.
We launched major public health service projects, including one to increase vaccinations against hepatitis B. We intensified special campaigns for food and drug safety.
Until recently, two vast competing public renovation projects in Paris stared squarely at each other across the Avenue Winston Churchill, in the capital's smart 8th arrondissement.
In Mr Brown’s imagination, London will have been reborn as Rooseveltville, resplendent with new train links, Olympic stadiums, airport runways and other job-creating grand public projects.
Even better, you can create several projects within the public folder and load the project by name.
In the autumn of 2005 car-burning and riots in the banlieues, the public-housing projects that ring French cities, prompted the declaration of a state of emergency.
And between 1956 and 1992 America constructed the interstate system, among the largest public-works projects in history, which criss-crossed the continent with nearly 50, 000 miles of motorways.
The decline in the construction of new housing has been partially offset by work on public-sector and infrastructure projects.
He realized too late that "there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects" when it comes to public works.
The other hallmarks to Obama’s bill included new spending on schools and public-works projects and an overhaul of unemployment insurance.
Shiller: Public projects are part of what we should be doing-new Deal, Civilian Conservation Corps-type projects-because unemployment is sapping the national morale.
The new focus on adaptation shows itself in a slew of private - and public-sector projects.
Perhaps more important, public works projects have been undertaken, although slowly.
Perhaps more important, public works projects have been undertaken, although slowly.