Article 3 Auction means the buying and selling form through which designated articles or property rights are transferred, in the form of public bidding, to those providing the highest bidding price.
When Google went public in August 2004, many were impressed that the stock opened at a premium to the price paid in what was then (and in some respects still is) the unheard of direct auction IPO.
Although buyers and sellers are rarely named, the auction price is public.
Determined by public auction is the core of information disclosure as well as the changing price of real estate auctions should be used as the preferred modality.
Mailed price lists, public notices of auction and tender, prospectuses and commercial advertisements, etc. are invitations for offer.
Arrange public or private resale of the auction item, if the resale price is lower, the company will claim for the balance together with the cost arisen from the buyer's failure to pay.
The Property shall be sold to the highest bidder regardless of price at unreserved public auction.
Article 3 Auction refers to the means of selling and buying by which specific articles or goods or property rights are transferred through public bidding to the bidder that offers the highest price.
Article 3 Auction refers to the means of selling and buying by which specific articles or goods or property rights are transferred through public bidding to the bidder that offers the highest price.