The health system of Malaysia adopts Britain's National Health System (NHS). Malaysia has the relatively comprehensive public health care system.
Coupled with the growing number of private medical practice, not only in public health care system and for the patients, also for the sources of information.
And Canada's fiscal health will soon come under strain from the treasured but expensive public health-care system and an ageing population.
In addition, some countries may see their public health system breaking down, making it harder for patients to get care.
No organization as bound up with public trust as a health-care system wants to admit large-scale losses.
The battle against SARS came to a great victory. The public health system and basic medical care constantly improved, contributing to better health of the people.
Aplan for reform of the pharmaceutical and health care system was devised and referred to the general public for comments.
Because most people in Sweden receive their health care through a public health system, the study had access to decades of medical records.
In most countries, the public health system is adequate but not really suitable if you are going to have a long stay in hospital or if you need specialist care.
The report holds that AIDS is a chronic infectious disease, therefore, resist the AIDS health care system is necessary, and necessary public health prevention system.
Health care service system in the countryside is the main part of the public health system in the countryside.
Radiographers work in medical imaging departments within the public or private health care system and in private radiology practices and clinics.
The introduction of the health care system reform scheme has been kept postponed, which gives the public much room for suppositions and conjectures.
Finally, the market mechanism built into the public system of health care.
The scope of our business throughout the health care system, education system, industrial plant, public places, sports and entertainment fields.
The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system.
The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system.