These routine measures include public health actions at ports, airports, land borders and for means of transport that use them to travel internationally.
Another thing we can do is that we can take public means of transport as often as possible instead of driving private cars.
Make sure it's centrally located and accessible to public transportation or other green means of transport.
"Public telecommunications transport network" means the public telecommunications infrastructure which permits telecommunications between and among defined network termination points.
To enhance the level of public transport dispatching management is an important means of improving the service quality of urban public transport and attracting bus passengers.
Article 91 Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers, baggage, mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit.
The use of smartcards , as a means of accessing and paying for public transport services, is now emerging as a viable and promising option for operators in the world public transit industry.
The use of smartcards , as a means of accessing and paying for public transport services, is now emerging as a viable and promising option for operators in the world public transit industry.