Richard, can you pull down your pants?
They can help you pull down the basket or tie the balloon to the ground car until you are ready to fly.
It is easier to pull down than to build up.
If you pull down the combination (combo) box, you'll see that you can store the output property in several different scopes, such as parameter or session scope.
I always have this wicked urge to pull down their pants when I see this "look".
Pull down your pants, whispered the pastor.
To customize the way that Bing works, pull down the Extras menu in the upper-right and select Preferences.
The pull-down menus of the two buttons allow a user to dynamically configure the content of the headers and, consequently, the table.
Navigator does not show custom actions in the navigator title bar pull-down menu.
Adding actions to the views' pull-down menu, the common editors' toolbar, and pop-up menus is nearly as straightforward.
It isn't something you buy now and then or pull down from the cupboard, dust off and use once or twice, and then return to the cupboard.
The first line changes the button's label to show the selected label in the pull-down menu.
After a few minutes, he set to work, but then grew frustrated when he couldn't find the familiar pull-down menus to configure the connection.
The falling birth rate and growing popularity of overseas educations have combined to pull down the number of people competing to get into China's universities.
A different existing connection: a list of currently active connections from the Database Explorer shows in a pull-down list.
Select Derby embedded from the Database Type pull-down menu, and click Next.
From the pull down menus, select _kerberos for Service and _tcp for Protocol.
在下拉菜单中为Service选择_ kerberos,为Protocol选择_ tcp。
Select _kerberos and _udp from the pull down menus.
从下拉菜单中选择 _kerberos和 _udp。
The TagCloud lines are used to create a list of the available tags for placement in the pull-down list.
And what we're trying to do is to encourage information technologies so that when you go into a doctor, they can already pull down your medical records electronically.
Jobs could open and close Windows, pull down menus, and see how the system would work.
The toolbar contains a subset of the actions available from the pull-down menus, and you can customize it to add, reorganize, or remove toolbar actions to suit your preferences.
That’s hard to swallow in an industry where “a buck” is code for $1 million, and where top producers can pull down 20 or 30 “bucks” a year, or even more.
We used the menu buttons to allow a user to examine the survey by selecting options from the buttons' pull-down menus.
Form elements can affect how much room pull-down menus, text input fields, and other form elements can take up.
If you pull down the notification bar, it will display the current ASU as well as the high and low since the app was started.
And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
OK, Donald can pull down a Mary. Now he needs to make her stay.
They even blame Jews for the decision to pull down a statue of a Turul, a mythical falcon-like bird that had been illegally erected in Budapest.
They even blame Jews for the decision to pull down a statue of a Turul, a mythical falcon-like bird that had been illegally erected in Budapest.