Inmates' associates pull over to the side of the road at night and just throw over a distinctive bag such as one from McDonalds, or Burger King.
The purpose of this was to maintain the focus of their attention, just as Conley was focused on the suspect he was chasing to make sure he didn't pull a gun or throw something away.
The cat's master obtained both bag and boots, and watched the cat pull on the boots and throw the bag over his shoulder.
Pull them out and throw one to your partner and then have a huge water fight.
Lapel dagger - sewn under the left jacket lapel. Innocent "stance" while fingering left lapel with left hand. Pull lapel dagger and THROW it into the face of the antagonist.
We couldn't pull it out of Defensive Stance, yet part of what we wanted to do with Shattering Throw was give you another situational reason to shift to Battle Stance.
"What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down." - it's a Wonderful Life.
Unnatural sky color can throw the whole image off from the start making it difficult to pull off a successful composition.
What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.
It is necessary to continuously pull out and throw away those weeds of fear, doubt and anxiety as soon as they appear.
那些恐惧、疑惑与焦虑的野稗一长出来,就要持之以恒地把它们拔除扔掉。 。
Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna pull my arm off just so I have something to throw at her.
Now, if it were a typical winter day in Austin, I would advise that you throw on a pair of warm-up pants, too - or at least pull up your socks a little.
Now, if it were a typical winter day in Austin, I would advise that you throw on a pair of warm-up pants, too - or at least pull up your socks a little.