She landed a punch on his chin.
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose.
He gave her a playful punch on the arm.
Really it is terrible what an effect that one glass of punch must have had on me!
Punch a button on the replicator and it'll spit out a pair of flawless diamond earrings.
And with competition from other companies, American Standard has no problem demonstrating the punch of its products, even on smart phones.
My cousins and I played Pogs on the floor, while our parents poured steaming cups of rum and punch.
Stand in front of a TV armed with a gesture technology camera, and you can turn on the set with a soft punch into the air.
A boxing game using 3dv's camera focused on the players from atop a TV set, allows users to hit an opponent with far greater accuracy, and to duck a punch.
Surprise: You don't have to spend big bucks on fancy teas to get a potent health punch.
At first this meant making punch-card tabulators, but IBM moved on to magnetic-tape systems, mainframes, PCs, and most recently services and consulting.
In tests users have been able to punch in Numbers into a keypad projected onto their hands and write on a virtual "notepad" on a table.
At this point, you can request that the devices be enumerated, which shows the various devices simulated for this PDP-15 (floating-point processor, paper tape reader, paper tape punch, and so on).
在这一点上,您可以要求枚举设备,显示此PD P - 15的各种仿真的设备(浮动点处理器、纸带读取器、纸带打孔,等等)。
In the old days, a designer working on an airplane wing handed a bunch of punch CARDS to the computer operator and waited a week to get back thousands of Numbers on fanfold paper.
For the average Joe, this means devices coming out in the next two years will pack more of a visual punch and surf the Web at lighting speeds on whatever network is available.
Two spider-webbed bullet holes cracked the smooth surface of the wall-sized mirror behind the bar. A third whizzed by Timko's brow, to punch a hole in the stuffed buffalo head mounted on the wall.
You'll add punch to your status updates if you quantify your contributions, linking your efforts to any positive impact they've had on the bottom line.
The audience struggled to grasp the punch lines, and Mr. Wong recalls looking out on the blank faces of a 'polite but serious' crowd.
Don't be afraid to pat a buddy or a colleague on the back when he or she delivers a perfectly timed punch line or nails the big presentation.
Then proceed to punch in the following commands separately, allowing time for each one to complete before moving on to the next.
Pattern Punch: for punching holes in order to hang patterns on a hook.
Doesn't change the argument, but wanted the correct data included here. here was the big punch line - because Google will give you AD splits on search if you use that version!
The kid stole a punch on my back and ran away.
Sean Macaulay was the L.A. movie critic for The London Times from 1999 to 2007. He has also written for Punch, British GQ, and The Mail on Sunday.
The five elements comprising PUNCH are not the only things to consider, but if your opening contains 2-3 of these approaches then you are on your way to opening with impact.
ACTs deliver a two-punch attack on the malaria parasite.
In an early 1970s computer-science class, I learned to organize punch CARDS to run basic programs on an IBM computer so big and hot that it had its own supercooled building.
In an early 1970s computer-science class, I learned to organize punch CARDS to run basic programs on an IBM computer so big and hot that it had its own supercooled building.