A push factor can be as simple and mild a matter as difficulty in finding a suitable job, or as traumatic as war, or severe famine.
Intel's proposed move would expand its push into embedded applications, especially in the mobile space where security is becoming a key factor prior to the use of mobile phones for payments.
But the push against illegal dwellings may be a factor too.
While cost savings may prove a motivating factor, it is moving away from American dominance of the software market that is helping to push them towards OSS.
The central bank said another factor for inflation is rising salaries, which will push up overall price levels.
A second factor will be how aggressively the European Union exploits Britain's loss of regulatory reputation to push rules that discourage financial businesses traditionally based in London.
The results showed that the first factor is the Angle of the left knee when releasing. It is proved that rapid and full push of the left leg has a great effect on the release speed.
Nearly 70% of the exhibitors told that the influence of CHTF is an important factor to push them to participate, followed by the level and types of exhibits of previous CHTFs, accounting for 45.4%;
Nearly 70% of the exhibitors told that the influence of CHTF is an important factor to push them to participate, followed by the level and types of exhibits of previous CHTFs, accounting for 45.4%;