For a pushbutton control, a state change means that while the mouse button is down and directly over the control, the button will enter and remain in the pushed state.
The most common examples of this problem actually occur with Visual Basic, where it is common for programmers to attach 10k script to a single control, like a pushbutton.
此问题最常见的示例其实发生在VisualBasic中,程序员在Visual Basic中经常会向一个单独的控件(如按钮)附加10K大小的脚本。
A normally closed pushbutton and neon indicating lamp are provided as a part of the control for testing the moisture sensing components.
作为控制装置中用来测试水分感应零件的配件,还需要提供正常关闭按钮和氖指示灯。 收藏。
EWB is a excellent software of electronic circuit design and simulation. Its main window consists of menus, toolbars, parts bin toolbar, control pushbutton and drawing area.
We will create a window which contains an edit control and a pushbutton .
We will create a window which contains an edit control and a pushbutton .