A small festering sore or ulcer; a pustule.
脓' '。'疤'。' '小的疮痛处、溃疡或脓疱。
It's like a pustule, not reached a very crowded time.
A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.
A small red swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.
The whelk usually may divide into the hard lump smallpox, pustule smallpox and the dome-shaped smallpox.
The pulse fluid of 76 new-born babies with pustule sore were cultured, and six types of pathogenic bacteria were found.
Him with special emphasis on the disease, systemic fungal infections pustule long, some parts of the infected area of up to 60%!
他病情特别重,全身真菌感染长脓包,部分部位的感染面积达60% !
RESULTS: The total excellent response rate was 8 . 0%. The total effect rate on pustule and papule was 9. % and 80.7% respectively. The adverse reaction rate was . 9%.
果 :复方克林霉素搽剂治疗寻常痤疮 ,wk总显效率达8.0 % ,对脓疱和丘疹的总有效率分别为9。%和 80 .7% ,不良反应率为.9%。
RESULTS: The total excellent response rate was 8 . 0%. The total effect rate on pustule and papule was 9. % and 80.7% respectively. The adverse reaction rate was . 9%.
果 :复方克林霉素搽剂治疗寻常痤疮 ,wk总显效率达8.0 % ,对脓疱和丘疹的总有效率分别为9。%和 80 .7% ,不良反应率为.9%。