Starting so far in debt to begin with makes it difficult to do these things, though I'm trying to put my best foot forward in my quest for the elusive state of financial freedom.
Volunteer to take on extra responsibilities, be flexible, and put your best foot forward to possibly keep your job once the New Year arrives.
If somebody answers a question in a way that you think didn't put your best foot forward find a constructive way of adding to the point rather than disagreeing with your team member.
But these techniques have worked wonders for me... and I know that if you really put your best foot forward, they will do the same for you.
When he went to the job interview he put his best foot forward but he still didn't get the job.
Put your best foot forward and keep the focus on why you're a fit for the role you really want.
You want to put your best foot forward because there are twenty other people after the same job.
As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward.
When he went to the job interview, he put his best foot forward but he still didn't get the job.
You can still put your best foot forward and have a shot at the job.
You can still put your best foot forward and have a shot at the job.