More people are going to be put to work this summer.
With interest rates so low, this cash might be put to work more profitably.
This Wookiee had been enslaved by Volkswagen and put to work in their factories.
The creative Webmaster has a tremendous amount of information to put to work.
The generated files must now be put to work in a server that implements our interface.
Some have been isolated and put to work in everything from laundry detergents to food production.
Well, the real surprise is that you too can put to work their techniques and make your life happier too.
Over the next six years 3 million young men were put to work reclaiming the country’s natural resources.
Along the way you might build key problem-solving and communication skills that you could put to work right away.
All the content individuals upload, from personal data, to videos, photos, blogs and links, gets put to work.
The movement of charged atoms move from the saltwater to freshwater creates a small voltage that can be put to work.
A few weeks later I get to the clinic early and am put to work restocking the linen closet with drapes and gowns.
Her money is definitely being put to work, and she is becoming part owner of the 500 biggest companies in the U.S..
Macworld has covered the iPad's surprisingly warm response from businesses, and the iPhone is being put to work as well.
Only after Maxwell's laws were put to work did amazing new industries that were previously inconceivable come into being.
But just as it is machines that are generating most of the data deluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it.
And although her children were put to work pounding yams, fetching water and shelling beans, she wouldn't allow me to help.
The best hope for a positive outcome is to promote clear principles that govern how these sensitive data are collected and put to work.
One fantasy is that in the future solar energy will be stored and put to work chemically, much as it is in plants through photosynthesis.
The biggest benefit you will gain from using a commercial package is a pre-built strategy for handling backups that you can just put to work.
If you can see the logic underlying those principles, however basic and simple they are, then you can see ways they can be put to work against each other.
In 1944, everything in the geisha's world, including teahouses, bars, and houses, was forced to shut down, and all employees were put to work in factories.
The more domestic savings can be put to work, the less need is there for foreign capital, and using local funds helps keep the exchange rate down and promotes export growth.
I won't claim to be an expert, but I decided to go "learn about" in an effort to cut through all the confusion and come up with some practical wisdom to put to work in my own life.
Training camp for most teams starts in a week, and that means after one of the most raucous summers of all time we finally will get a chance to see all that money and movement put to work.
Within this tale lie several lessons you can put to work to make money. And it's best to get started soon, because if you think your grocery bill is already high, you ain't seen nothing yet.
She was soon put to work helping Dr. Geiling establish the toxicity of elixir of sulfanilamide, a medicine that would be linked with scores of deaths because it contained a deadly industrial solvent.
她很快就投入到帮助Dr . Geiling建立磺胺毒性理论的研究中,由于磺胺中含有一种致命的工业溶剂所以后来它同一系类的死亡联系在一起。
He put his retirement on hold to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week to find a solution.
He put his retirement on hold to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week to find a solution.