Putting out fires is not improvement.
"Those that can fly are flying, and are putting out fires," he said.
Capitol Hill is filled with politicians running around putting out fires - but with gasoline.
People think we run around, putting out fires but around 70% of the calls we get are for other types of services.
The utility model can reach the effect of saved water, widely used range of putting out fires, fast speed and good effect.
You simply cannot be at your most effective if you are running around, putting out fires, and getting super stressed in the mean time.
You can know that you're making decisions based on facts, not personalities or snap judgments, and you can give less of your precious time to putting out fires.
'I felt like I was mostly putting out fires,' says Ms. Sortino. 'I felt as if I wasn't really having the time to do more of the strategic and visioning work to make those larger changes at the school.
Ray Bradbury's classic 'novelette' portrays a futuristic world where firemen start fires instead of putting them out.
He was famous for putting out dangerous oil well fires around the world.
Fire engines are used for putting out big fires.
Putting out small fires quickly, using available resources, will prevent them from spreading.
GROSVENOR: No one seems to mind Oscar and Pablo moving among the graves, putting out flower fires.
Policy makers who forever live in the short run, putting out the bush fires from banking crises, food riots, or the palpable fear they are about to lose their jobs, do not focus on long-run needs.
You see, this is about more than putting out blog fires or quieting complaining customers.
You see, this is about more than putting out blog fires or quieting complaining customers.