The design of scientific inquiry activity pays attention to putting theory into practice throughout the chemistry instruction.
The idea of idea guide practice, practice correct theory is putting thougts and actions into one.
In theory, losing weight is quite simple — just eat less and exercise more — but of course, putting it into practice can be complicated.
At the same time, the paper putting the theory into the practice USES the point of view of the paper to explain some phenomena about household furniture design.
Putting the theory into practice can not only optimize the ecological environment, but also promote the grade of literary and artistic works, and perfect characters of mankind who dewell will...
Germany philosopher Goethe Zeng Yan: Theory tree of being gloomy, putting into practice is evergreen.
Academicians consider that putting the theory of BPR into practice demands to reengineer in individual, technology, organization structure, which is the most important, and its culture.
It stated some misunderstandings in theory in putting this technique particularly into practice, so as to control asepsis setting better and develop our bio-clean room technique to new level.
In addition, scholars pay little attention on the problem of the implementation of market-oriented, which greatly limited the effort of putting the market orientation theory into practice.
It is no use learning theory without putting it into practice.
It is no use learning theory without putting it into practice.