I need oil as well, for the pyre.
He builds a huge funeral 24 pyre.
Added funeral pyre map icon just for the hell of it.
Gasoline for the pyre is getting to be a real problem.
The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river.
Thunderbolts then fell from the sky and at once reduced the pyre to ashes.
Among them is all-seeing Deeti, a young village woman rescued from her husband's funeral pyre;
"They still hope when they die, that their son probably will come and light their pyre," she says.
Then he built a funeral pyre, covered it with wildflowers, and burned the body of his respected teacher.
The sixty-five-year, old woman, Kuttu Bai, sat on the funeral pyre with the head of her dead husband on her lap.
The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water.
Luke burned the dark armor that had encased Anakin's crippled body in a quiet funeral pyre on the forest moon of Endor that night.
In the scene when Denethor burns Faramir on the pyre, the pyre could not truly be on fire because Gandalf's horse would not go near it.
To solve this, the crew reflected a real fire onto a pane of glass in front of the camera so that it looks as though the pyre is burning.
The sound of grief so terrible. An old man brought his son's body wrapped in a white plastic bag to pyre. He says I have lost everything.
Now the cremation is beginning, with special pujas being performed directly in front of the pyre and also in the four directions, as well.
The cremation ceremony for the Reverend was carried out in open air in a 42 foot pyre built from sandalwoods, it is the way Theravada paid respect to a high priest.
Final guardian of the imperfect magic item, he replaced the sand in the hourglass with ashes from a funeral pyre of his massacred brothers, making it much more powerful.
It was Passepartout himself, who had slipped upon the pyre in the midst of the smoke and, profiting by the still overhanging darkness, had delivered the young woman from death!
And for this moment, deep clarity is needed, so that you can see the body burning on the funeral pyre, and you can also see the spirit moving away... farther away... to the other shore.
A son who breaks your legs, a son who hits you so hard that your skull breaks, a son who is willing to put cow dung in your mouth - and yet you want the same son to come and light your pyre.
Garg says the benefits are manifold: It takes up to two hours and 150-200 kilograms of wood to burn a body completely, while a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood.
Garg says the benefits are manifold: It takes up to two hours and 150-200 kilograms of wood to burn a body completely, while a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood.